Api documentation

Api documentation

Get Vehicle Details Through VIN Decoding

Spec: VIN Decoding
v2 v1


Decode the supplied VIN to its most basic vehicle specs (i.e. make, model, year, style, trim, engine and transmission details.)

Please note that this resource is not a VIN Lookup. Manufacturers can do the VIN lookup on their own vehicles, but since we cover all manufacturers and makes and models, we can reliably look up a vehicle by just its VIN. So what we do is reduce the VIN to a Squish VIN, or VIN prefix, which is basically the first 11 digits of the VIN minus the 9th digit which is a check digit.


https://api.edmunds.com/v1/api/toolsrepository/vindecoder?vin={car VIN}&fmt=json&api_key={api key}

Code Example

You need the Javascript SDK to run this example.

<!DOCTYPE html>

	<meta charset=utf-8>
	<title>Edmunds API Example</title>

	<div id="results-body"></div>
	  	window.sdkAsyncInit = function() {
	    	// Instantiate the SDK
			var res = new EDMUNDSAPI('YOUR API KEY');

			// Optional parameters
			var options = {
				"vin": "1N4AL3AP4DC295509"

			// Callback function to be called when the API response is returned
			function success(res) {
				var body = document.getElementById('results-body');
				body.innerHTML = "The car make is: " + res.styleHolder[0].makeName;

			// Oops, Houston we have a problem!
			function fail(data) {

			// Fire the API call
			res.api('/v1/api/toolsrepository/vindecoder', options, success, fail);

		    // Additional initialization code such as adding Event Listeners goes here

	  // Load the SDK asynchronously
	  (function(d, s, id){
	     	var js, sdkjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
	     	if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;}
	     	js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;
	     	js.src = "path/to/sdk/file";
	     	sdkjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, sdkjs);
	   }(document, 'script', 'edmunds-jssdk'));