Api documentation

Api documentation

Get a List of Car Model Years for a Specific Car Make/Model

Spec Model/Year
v2 v1

Response format

JSON Response

	"years": {array of objects},
	"yearsCount": {integer}
Property Description Visibility
years An array of objects describing car model years Edmunds, Partners, Public
yearsCount Total number of car models Edmunds, Partners, Public

Each element in the years array follows this format:

	"id": {integer},
	"make": {object}, // only when view=full
	"model": {object}, // only when view=full
	"states": {array of strings}, // only when view=full
	"styles":{array of objects},
	"year": {integer}
Property Description Visibility
id The Edmunds ID for the model year Edmunds, Partners, Public
make Car make details (id, name and niceName) Edmunds, Partners, Public
model Car model details (id, name and niceName) Edmunds, Partners, Public
states The state of this model/year (e.g. NEW, USED, or FUTURE) Edmunds, Partners, Public
year The model year Edmunds, Partners, Public
styles List of styles belonging to this model year (see below) Edmunds, Partners, Public

Each element in the styles array follows this format:

	"id": {integer},
	"name": {string},
	"submodel": {object},
	"trim": {string},
	"states": {array of strings}, // only when view=full
Property Description Visibility
id The Style id Edmunds, Partners, Public
name The car style name Edmunds, Partners, Public
submodel The vehicle submodel (body and modelName info) Edmunds, Partners, Public
trim The vehicle trim for this car style Edmunds, Partners, Public
states The state of this car style (e.g. NEW, USED, FUTURE) Edmunds, Partners, Public

Each submodel object follows this format:

	"body": {string},
	"fuel": {string}, // is not always populated
	"tuner": {string}, // is not always populated
	"modelName": {string},
	"niceName": {string}
Property Description Visibility
body The type of car body (e.g. “Sedan”, “Hatchback”) Edmunds, Partners, Public
fuel The type of car fuel (e.g. “Hybrid”, “Diesel”, “Electric”) Edmunds, Partners, Public
tuner The type of car tuner (e.g. “Base”, “Sport”) Edmunds, Partners, Public
modelName The name of this submodel (e.g. “Civic Hatchback”, “X5 SUV Diesel”) Edmunds, Partners, Public
niceName The nice name of this submodel (e.g. “sedan”, “diesel”) Edmunds, Partners, Public