Api documentation

Api documentation

Get Car Consumer Ratings and Reviews by Review ID

Content Ratings and Reviews
v2 v1

Response format

  1. {
  2. "id": {integer},
  3. "legacyId": {integer},
  4. "make": {string},
  5. "model": {string},
  6. "year": {integer},
  7. "styleId": {integer},
  8. "title": {string},
  9. "text": {string},
  10. "updated": {integer},
  11. "submodels": {array},
  12. "created": {timestamp},
  13. "favoriteFeatures": {string},
  14. "suggestedImprovements": {string},
  15. "author": {
  16. "authorName": {string}
  17. },
  18. "ratings": {array},
  19. "comments": {array},
  20. "thumbsUpDownCounter": {
  21. "thumbsDown": {integer},
  22. "thumbsUp": {integer}
  23. },
  24. "moderationStatus": {string}
  25. }
Property Description Visibility
id The review ID Edmunds, Partners, Public
legacyId The review ID in the old system Edmunds, Partners, Public
make The car make Edmunds, Partners, Public
model The car model Edmunds, Partners, Public
year The car year Edmunds, Partners, Public
styleId The car style ID Edmunds, Partners, Public
title The review title Edmunds, Partners, Public
text The review Edmunds, Partners, Public
updated Timestamp of when review was updated Edmunds, Partners, Public
submodels The car submodels this review applies to Edmunds, Partners, Public
created The timestamp of when the review was created Edmunds, Partners, Public
favoriteFeatures Review section on favorite features Edmunds, Partners, Public
suggestedImprovements Review section on suggested improvements Edmunds, Partners, Public
authorName The review author Edmunds, Partners, Public
ratings The ratings (see below) Edmunds, Partners, Public
comments Comments on this review Edmunds, Partners, Public
thumbsUpDownCounter Likes and dislikes totals Edmunds, Partners, Public
moderationStatus For internal use Edmunds, Partners, Public

Each element in the ratings array follows this format:

  1. {
  2. "type": "PERFORMANCE",
  3. "value": {integer}
  4. },
  5. {
  6. "type": "COMFORT",
  7. "value": {integer}
  8. },
  9. {
  10. "type": "FUEL_ECONOMY",
  11. "value": {integer}
  12. },
  13. {
  14. "type": "FUN_TO_DRIVE",
  15. "value": {integer}
  16. },
  17. {
  18. "type": "INTERIOR_DESIGN",
  19. "value": {integer}
  20. },
  21. {
  22. "type": "EXTERIOR_DESIGN",
  23. "value": {integer}
  24. },
  25. {
  26. "type": "BUILD_QUALITY",
  27. "value": {integer}
  28. },
  29. {
  30. "type": "REALIABILITY",
  31. "value": {integer}
  32. }
Property Description Visibility
value 1-5 rating value Edmunds, Partners, Public