Api documentation

Api documentation

Get All Rating Details Reviews for the Given Make/Model/Year

Content: Letter Grade Rating

Response format

JSON Response

    "reviews": [
            "make": {object},
            "model": {object},
            "style": {object}, 
            "id": {integer},
            "year": {integer},
            "date": {date},
            "grade": {string},
            "summary": {style}
    "reviewsCount": {integer}
Property Description Visibility
make The car make Edmunds, Partners, Public
model The car model Edmunds, Partners, Public
style The car style Edmunds, Partners, Public
id The review id Edmunds, Partners, Public
year The car model year Edmunds, Partners, Public
date The date of this review Edmunds, Partners, Public
grade The grade assigned by Edmunds’s editorial team Edmunds, Partners, Public
summary The review Edmunds, Partners, Public

The make object follows this format:

    "id": {integer},
    "name": {string},
    "niceName": {string}
Property Description Visibility
id The Edmunds ID for the car make/brand Edmunds, Partners, Public
name The name of this car make Edmunds, Partners, Public
niceName URL-friendly car make/brand name Edmunds, Partners, Public

The model object follows this format:

    "id": {string},
    "name": {string},
    "niceName": {string},
Property Description Visibility
id The Edmunds ID for the car model Edmunds, Partners, Public
name The name of this car model Edmunds, Partners, Public
niceName URL-friendly car model name Edmunds, Partners, Public

The style object follows this format:

    "id": {integer},
    "name": {string},
    "submodel": {object},
    "trim": {string}
Property Description Visibility
id The Edmunds ID for the car style Edmunds, Partners, Public
name The car style name Edmunds, Partners, Public
submodel The vehicle submodel (body and modelName info) Edmunds, Partners, Public
trim The vehicle trim for this car style Edmunds, Partners, Public

The submodel object follows this format:

    "body": {string},
    "modelName": {string},
    "niceName": {string}
Property Description Visibility
body The type of car body (e.g. “Sedan”, “Hatchback”) Edmunds, Partners, Public
modelName The name of this submodel (e.g. “Civic Hatchback”, “X5 SUV Diesel”) Edmunds, Partners, Public
niceName The nice name of this submodel (e.g. “sedan”, “diesel”) Edmunds, Partners, Public